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About Us

A team that will change the idea of your business. That will enhance its image.
A team  that will take it to perfection

Our Commitment

We are different, innovative, we create the idea
and develop it.
We set new standards
we work different.
If different is your thing,
then we will be in the near future the ones who will be consulting you 
and your company.

We believe in new expectations, 
We believe in growing
and evolving.

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we have to define what marketing is: 


we can find thousands of definitions in English and all of them will be tailored, but being honest now a days I would say “rigged” is better term when it comes to this types of definitions since they are modified to catch customers into their marketing services without explaining what a real Marketing professional does. 

The best definition I found, was in Spanish, that translated into English will tell: 

“A function inside or outsourced of a company whose role is to identify either the needs of the customers, or their wishes, determine markets, designing products and services that generate chains of value towards these customers or clients through sustainable and honorable relationship, that will bring profitability to a company. 


Why I couldn’t find it in English, because definitions are all trying to direct the marketing customers attention into what we used to call in the past VARIABLES OF MARKETING, which are just a few compared on what marketing really is: “ A compendium of so many variables that along with strategies ( without strategy, a careful generation of ideas, perfect synergy and well put together of these ideas ) is not marketing is just a small service that will not respond in case the campaign doesn’t work. 


Modern services nowadays only pay attention to certain marketing variables that from now on I will call distribution Channels, that indeed generate results, but without the right approach won’t help much, in case the product or service needs rebranding, rethinking we can call it anyways. 

Marketing variables could be digital and non digital. Have in mind that not all marketing tools work for every company; a careful study needs to be done before a decision is taken around how your product or service will arrive to the final customer.


Advertising, Branding, Design, digital and online marketing, market research, Posm (point of sale material), PR, Social media and web design are just a few of so many distribution variable you can have access to, and deliver your creations. 


We are a Full-Service Marketing Firm. Meaning, that we offer the service with all variables from scratch until your final product or service is out in the market.


Feel free to click here to take a look to our services.

Our commitment is using to the fullest all kinds of possibilities in marketing either traditional or digital, tools that for us are unbreakable. modern marketing does not exist without traditional tools that are being left out, like strategies, public relations, professional photography, the use of 4 p's strategies in prices, product, place and distribution. 

"remember, what we put on our ads,

will tell our customers who we are."

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